Friday, July 30, 2010

Chick Flick Hit

I don't usually post movie reviews, mostly because I lack the witty analogies and catchy, elaborate phrases used to describe how good or bad a movie is, but, I do feel that I am a good judge of film and that my opinion is decent. So with that, I would like to highly recommend and endorse this year's "Letters to Juliet". It was great!

Who knew that this chick flick, preceded by a disappointing trend of so many, multiple, terrible chick flicks of the past couple of years, could renew my faith in the chick flick genre? Yes, by nature, chick flicks really are bad movies, but every once in a while, you get a movie that tells a decent story, has cute/handsome characters, and takes place in a beautiful foreign country. That's pretty much what "Letters to Juliet" was all about and I was pleasantly pleased.

I recommend it. It's not the movie of the year, but watching it wouldn't be a total waste of time. Just ask the girl who sat next to me who was audibly sobbing through the whole second half of the movie. It was THAT good.


Jennifer Lovell said...

This is a show that I've been anxious to see. I like it when they mix a young love story into the same plot with a more mature couple's love story, so we can get the sense of lasting love and not just a budding romance. I look forward to seeing this, and I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the nice review :).

P.S. I hope you're doing well in your new home!

PlusOne said...

Were you sitting next to Sarah? Was she the one bawling?

f*bomb. said...

I think I just lost respect for you.
Sweet Pea,
You're maybe 3 months too late and 5 points below standard...All you have to do is see the trailer to know EXACTLY how 2.5 hours are going to play out- and really?!? Is it necessary to have One. More. Film. that insults the intelligence of women everywhere?
I think not.