Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sarah buys milk

I was in Denver, CO last week visiting Sarah and Eva. It was fun to visit them in their new city and just hang, hike a bit, and listen to them talk about cookbooks and the latest cooking techniques. One night, we drove around and looked at Christmas lights then before returning home, stopped at the store to pick up some milk. Here is Sarah's journey purchasing milk.

Sarah entered Safeway with high hopes of finding milk to purchase. She were pretty certain she would emerge successful.

But it's not to say that she didn't have her challenges. This Safeway was a big store. There's a lot of places milk could be.

As Sarah quickly found out, there was no milk in the produce section. For example, this melon? Not milk.

Nor was the milk under the Christmas tree? That would be an affirmative "no."

Freezer section? Well, let me ask you this, does milk = frozen calf liver?

Is the bacon milk? Not likely.

Neither does Salt and Vinegar chips does not milk make.

Still no milk to be found, but content and with a happy heart, Sarah continued her search through Safeway, determined to find milk.

And then there it was. Like ice in a freezer. Sarah spied with her tall eyes, milk in the dairy section.

Oh what joy! Elation was hers!

And the milk was found!

Then as it turns out I bought the milk. Which I was fine to do. Sarah did all the hard work locating the milk, the least I could do was pay for it.

And that is the story of "Sarah buys (locates) milk".

The end.

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