Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Working schmorking

I remember when I worked and I was confined to an office from exactly 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and often I would just daydream about what I would be doing if I didn't have to work.

As a student, I have a good amount of freedom with my schedule to do anything I want. Though I don't want to rub it anyone's face, one of the favorite thoughts I like to let run through my head when I am out and about on a normal week day aside from this thought, "I know why I am not working but how is it that all of you aren't working?" is: (secretly pointing to people in their offices) "You're working and I am not. Neener, neener."

So, now that I am on spring break and I have even more time on my hands, I am somewhat at a loss for what I COULD be doing with my time. So if I may pick your brains, could you help me fill my time? Answer me this: If you could take do anything during the day while everyone else is at work and take a day off with no responsibilities to get errands done or squeeze in a doctor's appointment, but just to enjoy yourself, what would you do?

Help me out folks.


Erin said...

I would probably exercise and go to the temple and eat some good food.
Happy spring break!

Allison Hansen said...

I would read a book, and if I doze off a little... that's okay, too. Maybe I'd get my toes done. Definitely some sort of hike or exercise. In LA, I used to get out a tourist guide and pick a new neighborhood to explore, meet shop owners, learn the history... took me to some pretty crazy places!

Emily said...

reading on the beach... maybe sewing or some sort of crafting that I've been meaning to do.

Heather & James said...

take a bike ride somewhere i haven't gone before...
cook i meal i have never made before..
sew something or make something cool....
write my friend Heather a letter or give her a call... :)

Miriam Oh Painter said...

i love the suggestions! I have done a few of them already, so looks like I'm on the right track. i should probably get out and explore a bit more. A good seems like the right option. Maybe explore Melrose, Al? I don't sew, but I guess i could start. And I suppose I'll give Heather a phone call. Roger that good buddy. Thanks everyone!

f*bomb. said...

Your vacation is in good hands:
1) Hang out with Farrah.
2) Hit the best classes at the gym/go running on the beach.
3) Make a super-delicious lunch and eat it outside in the amazing sun.
4) Find a pool
5) Read and sleep in the sun

f*bomb. said...

That or clean the house.
I do like a good deep clean and day for organization.
(But that might not seem as fun across the board for others...)

catharooni said...

i am late to the party, and the answer will not suprise you, but it would definitely involve reading a book. a whole book. maybe more than one. but the location of the reading? that is key ... in LA - the beach, a cafe on the promenade, or my cosy, much missed apartment; in edmonton - atrium in the theatre downtwon, the reading room at the library, chapter's bookstore, legislative grounds, or park in the river valley. *sigh* ... thanks for the reminder, i need to take a day and do nothing with impunity. hope spring break recharged you for the final push!!