Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cute overload.

I spent the weekend in Utah over Easter this year and Easter may be becoming my favorite holiday as it is usually at Easter that I get to spend time with my nephew, Kimball, and also, celebrate his birthday which usually falls close to the holiday. He gets cuter, smarter and bigger everytime I see him. I love him!
Now 2-years-old, Kimball's big birthday gift this year was a new Radio Flyer tricycle! He is a smart kid as he insisted on wearing his helmet any time he got on the thing.
He's pretty much the pride and joy of the Oh family, if you haven't already guessed it.

We went to Thanksgiving Point for Easter Eggstreme and the kids had a pretty okay time. This is Kimball and his of these things is not like the other...
Here's the little guy doin' a little dance.
Sarah's little niece was nice enough to save Kimball a 45-minute wait in line for the Cow ride.
Kimball won a prize. Those things look like frogs. But those are not. Those are freaky bunnies in a frog shape. Super weird.
Kimball and I at the big hunt! Don't you love his Elmo basket? Or "bucket" as he liked to call it. His vocab is truly astonishing. I don't know where he picks up his words!

Kimball got a TON of gifts from his Aunt and he loved all of them!!!

Kimball is so near to my heart! He loves all things fuzzy and fluffy too!

Kimball's mom, Denise, made an AWESOME Elmo cake for Kimball. He blew all of the candles out on his own! Such a big boy!

Since Kimball got jipped at the Thanksgiving Point Easter Eggstreme, we dyed some eggs of our own and sent the little guy on a hunt. He was so excited whenever he "found" an egg! And it was so cute to watch!

Kimball got to go on his very own egg hunt!


dana said...

Okay, major cute overload!
I love little Kimball, and I've never even met him!

the Rew Crew said...

Miriam, he is so freaking adorable. You are one lucky aunt.

Liv thinks Kimball is hot. She is sitting on my lap right now shouting, 'Mo baby, mama! Mo baby! Mama Pleeeease!'

Miriam Oh Painter said...

I will check and see if Kimball likes older women.

Erika said...

Wow. He is adorable!!!! I especially love his hair. So cute! I usually don't think kids come on par with Scotty's cuteness...but Kimball sure takes the cake!

Travis Butterfield said...

nice. he's a cute little kid.

Denise said...

YAY! So fun to see a cute tribute posted on behalf of Kimo that's not my own making!