Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trash or Treasure?

(This post is only an opinion. If you like this kind of furniture and see the value in the effort exerted by the owner of said chairs, my apologies. But really, a level of absurdity has been reached here.)

Last night I was out running my normal route. It was a beautiful summer-like evening and I was on the homestretch when I noticed the following flyer on a light pole:

As I kept running I looked down Gateway Blvd. and noticed that there were two of these flyers on every light pole in sight; across the street and down side streets! I couldn't believe it! I mean, yeah, missing child, stolen vehicle, but vinyl furniture? Those must be some pretty awesome chairs! Let's look at the detailed descriptions:

Wow. Vinyl, metal, brand new black coating. I mean, to take the time to post all of the flyers AND offer $100 reward for the return of the property, these chairs must be stupendous!

I hope the owner gets many calls about the chairs and they find the dirty culprit. But let me aks you this, where were you, last Thursday, 2-21-08 at 4 pm?! And were you near the neighborhoods of West LA? Vinyl chair stealer...

I can see how these items could have easily been mastaken for trash though and you know what they say, someone's trash is another's treasure...the owners of the chairs should have considered that before they unloaded those chairs in an alley in those fateful 3-minutes. Certain types of people troll the streets for that type of stuff in Los Angeles.


Erika said...

So hilarious! Seriously, take the 100 cash and go buy another set :-)
BTW I'm a fan of the new background.

Denise said...

That stuff is hideous! still waiting for Spain pics...

f*bomb. said...

All of a sudden I can see my housewarming becoming very awkward when you go to sit down on my livingroom vinyl...