Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Be warned

It's been a while since I've blogged, but it's not to say I haven't thought about things of a blog.

When is the last time you've seen one of these beauties?! True to form, I had the priviledge of experiencing a hand-drying on this invention of ingenuity while waiting for my car at the mechanic. I can almost say it was a treat to wipe my hands clean on this blue, rough towel that thousands, possibly millions of other auto mechanic bathroom patrons have touched. Pleasant thoughts all around.

As I was drying my hands, I couldn't help but notice the usage instructions followed by a warning:

1. Pull towel down gently with both hands.
2. Wipe hands and face.

(I think I will have to write a letter to the manufacturer to add "gently" to #2, especially if people are wiping their faces with this thing.)

But the thoughts from the makers that really caught my eye was the "Warning" and the fact that such mention was necessary:

"WARNING: Do not attempt to hang from towel, or insert your head into the towel loop."

To all those who tend to have to fight these urges, REFRAIN! Otherwise:

"Failure to follow these simple instructions can be harmful or injurious."

Hand towel dispensers are for drying, not hanging from nor putting your head through. Good thing I blogged about this. People need to know about these things in case they don't read instructions and warning labels.


Erika said...

Thanks for the good laugh. Gosh, without that warning, I would be hanging from that towel like a monkey at the zoo.

dana said...

This brings back memories of my childhood. I have been wondering about these things for years and finally brought it up to my mom about how unsanitary they seem (since she was an adult when they were in high-fashion) and she replied that the towel part that comes out is fresh and new. It starts with a big roll of freshly washed cloth on one end and as you pull it, the used stuff goes into the other end. When the whole roll has been used, it's replaced with a new roll and some company takes the old one back and washes it. Still, ew. But it sounds like the future of our Enviro-friendly country...

Miriam Oh Painter said...

That's why they make those warnings. So monkeys like you don't get hurt.

Miriam Oh Painter said...

I did think that those towel things were better for the environment, but they are just so ugly and unappealing though I do know that the piece i'm getting is clean. The handkerchief is another lost relic of environmental friendliness, but not something I will likely ever personally resurrect. ho hum...

Kim said...

warning labels make me worried about our society! You know they had to put it on there because someone tried it...

the Rew Crew said...

I second Kim's thought. Someone must have actually tried it and injured themselves for them to put that warning on it.

We really must be a country of dim-wits.

catharooni said...

i never thought of the sanitary aspect ... i just thought they were annoying because someone had always managed to jam them right before i used them, and i was forced to try and find an "unused" portion that was already visible. yuck.