Monday, April 7, 2008

A1 Roommate and the Man-mom

(This post is in reference to my post regarding A16.)

I was sitting in an Economics class through the UCLA Extension class Thursday night when I received a text from my roommate Michelle, I mean, Melissa. It said:

"I got the A1 ticket on Southwest!"
So I replied:

She responded:
"I did! I can't believe it!"

I said:
"No you didn't. Such is not possible."

My mind was fried with lots of econ talk and further, from trying to wrap my head around the "miracle" pregnant man hoopla. Nothing was making any sense!

When I got home, I demanded proof of her claim, and yes, she indeed was not lying.

(This is what the A1 boarding pass looks like.)

But how was this so?! Just as I was asking myself, how is it that a man could be pregnant?! Well, there are answers to all of this confusion.

The man-mom is pregnant because he/she has all of her womanly parts which makes it possible to carry a baby, not so much of a miracle besides the biology of the miracle of life.

Melissa had a Business class ticket, which in turn, made her eligible for the A1 spot. For all of us who aren't fortunate enough to fly so high, we don't qualify for even the possibility of that coveted "A" spot.

Either way, both are astonishing achievements. Both, at face value, seem to defy all reality, by logic and execution. But, with further research and inquest, one can very shortly see, that both situations are not complete impossibilities.

Even so, mad props to Melissa for being A1! Oh to be A1! Truly a satisfying accomplishment! I can still only aspire to A16...

And mad props to good people who want to do good things. But don't try to pass off those things as miracles.


Travis Butterfield said...

I wish I was "fortubate" enough to fly high . . . ha ha ha ha.

Erika said...

I'm totally with you on the pregnant "man." Why hasn't the media caught on to this yet? In my opinion, "he" is still a woman (as you mentioned, has ALL the women parts). Its even her egg that met with the sperm donor.
They were a lesbian couple that wanted to get married so he took testosterone shots & changed his drivers license to say "M" instead of "F."
Give me a break. Seriously? Don't pass off miracles when they're not. "He" can even give birth via a birth canal...not a c-section.
Tis a woman.

f*bomb. said...

My mind is boggled.
Mostly by the A-01 ticket, since we knew that was impossible. But the pregnant man thing? Didn't they make a movie about that in the early 90's? Get with the TIMES, Media.