Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dark day...

Today I came in to work to find my internet lifeless when trying to connect to the websites for Facebook, MySpace and YouTube.

One can only imaging my great sadness at the realization of such carnage! I like my job and the people I work with but, what truly gets me through my day are the small, steady distractions the internet offers. And now, all I have is CNN and!

My company has never done anything like this and I never imagined that they would ever censor our activity. We have always been free to act on our own and choose as we please. I feel that for the first time, they have placed a heavy hand on us. I am shocked.

Although, I can't help but feel personally responsible for the measures they have gone to to limit our internet usage. I am sure my IP address ranked the highest on non-business related internet content detected. My heart aches for the pain and suffering throughout the firm that I may have caused. For all AP folks who read this, my sincerest apologies.

Consequently, I am relieved that I only have one more week of a dark computer to endure. Thankfully, I still have my Gchat to keep me afloat and my head intact, and since the LDSLinkup is still wide open and available, well, desperate times call for desperate measures.

It is a dark day here...


dana said...

maaaajor bummer.
I'm glad you can confess to being the culprit. And also glad you can walk out of there in a week. Poor left-overs who have no youtube.

Nancey said...

Wow!! How'd you comment on my blog, Mirma? Are you sneaking your laptop into work just so you can blog? Naughty naughty!!

Jessica said...

I also was curious about censorship at my last job. To quiet my fears, I convinced myself that I was on the computer so much that surely if they REALLY checked like they said I'd have been in big trouble long ago...