Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mommy Oh and Cars

My parents have been contemplating buying a new car for the last little while. They have a Mazda now that they have been happy with and are considering replacing it with another Mazda.

My mom was talking to my sister about it and of all things, she has one requirement:

Mom: We want to buy car with handle because you know when you go parking lot all car looks same, but car with handle easy to find.

Rachel: Handle? What do you mean, 'handle'?

Mom: It's 'handle'. On back of car. Make easy to find.

Rachel: A handle? Do you mean a spoiler?

Mom: I don't know. Look like handle.

Apparently, my mom wants a car with a spoiler on the back. Who knew she would be so big pimpin'?! Gotta give her props. It definitely could pass for a handle...

I am not too surprised she called it a handle though. When my sister had her SAAB convertible, my mom told her, "Next time, you not buy this car. Car with "lid" is better."

Yes cars with lids are definitely better...oh mom...


steve-o said...

Awesome. I always loved hearing stories about your parents''s the Korean equivalent of Chinglish?

Miriam Oh Painter said...

Konglish. It works.

Erica said...


catharooni said...

awesome!! i can totally hear that conversation in my head - your family rocks!!! no wonder you are so cool. ... and so odd.

Jamie said...

I love your mom!

Jennifer Lovell said...

I'll forever call it a handle from now on :) (especially since I never knew its real name in the first place. I thought it was called a fin). Love it.