Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Priceless gifts

Last year's birthday gift...courtesy of Eva Jane Hirt...

Two "Hebrew National" weiners:
$1.24 on WAMU Debit Mastercard

Two generic hot dog buns:

$0.16 on WAMU Debit Mastercard

4-minutes and enough time to change out of my work clothes:

A few kwh and some burned calories.

Two perfectly toasted hot dogs in warm hot dog buns, only slightly charred:

When you thought preparing a hot dog couldn't get any simpler:

For everything else, there's probably a specialized appliance too.


catharooni said...

you are right. pictures rock! ... so happy to see you using it!!!

Denise said...

She knows you well. It's so funny how you see something random like that and you just think "Miriam would love this" - that's what I love about you!

f*bomb. said...

I am kind of sickened/jealous at the genius of this invention.

dietcokegrrl said...

I LOVE that you have one of those!! Awesome!